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JDBC - Establish Connection to an OpenEdge Database including 'resultsetMetaDataOptions' set...

Discussão em 'StackOverflow' iniciado por fdantas, Setembro 26, 2017.

  1. fdantas

    fdantas Administrator Moderador

    I've got a problem Establishing a connection to an OpenEdge database including the property option resultSetMetaDataOptions. For programming purposes I need to set this option to 1 to be able to get the table names of the fetched columns due to using a JOIN in my SQL queries.

    I'm adding the property into my java.util.Property Object:


    I'm establishing a connection with:

    DriverManager.getConnection(url, props);

    When I check the returned java.sql.Connection the property was added to props object. With my established connection I execute the SQL query and get my java.sql.ResultSet what I finally use to get my java.sql.ResultSetMetaData:

    ResultSetMetaData meta = resultSet.getMetaData();


    for (int i = 1; i <= meta.getColumnCount(); i++) {
    String tablename = meta.getTableName(i);

    always prints out an empty tablename.

    What I also tried is establishing a connection to the database using SquirrelSQL and set the property resultSetMetaDataOptions to 1 while connecting. I clicked on the schema and used the connection String given at getUrl for establishing my own Connection via JDBC but did not set the resultSetMetaDataOptions to 1 in my Property Object since it was already added to the connection URL by SquirrelSQL. The result was the same: Just an empty tablename.

    Am I doing something wrong? Is there another way to try getting the tablename of a column?

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