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how to make a table in a docx document?

Discussão em 'PSDN - Forum' iniciado por Mhogerh, Novembro 14, 2017.

  1. Mhogerh

    Mhogerh Guest

    Dear readers,

    I have a question about an issue I am having. I want to create a table in een docx document within a loop. I only want to name the collum titles and that the rest automatically will be filled. Can anybody help me with that

    This is the loop and i want to create a table with these fields


    {!name#text} {!R588350.Stage_opportunity} {!R588350} .{!R588350.R588359} {!R588350.Number} {!R588350.Unit#value} {!R588350.Unit_price} . {!R588350.Total} . {!R588350.Type} . {!R588350.Country_opportunity} {!R588350.Total#value}


    Kind regards,


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