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How to improve CASE WHEN statement to return result on same line

Discussão em 'StackOverflow' iniciado por fdantas, Abril 17, 2019.

  1. fdantas

    fdantas Administrator Moderador

    Currently working on some SQL script from a OpenEdge progress database. At the moment i am trying to return time for an event based on if it was Estimated or Actual. This can be identified via a result in a column. The problem i get is the way the data work is it shows the same EveNumber but on two lines (one for estimated one for actual). I would like to combine these rows into one.

    I have tried the code below but this gets me the result still of two separate lines. I tried putting the case when also into the Else section but this didn't work. Below is my condensed code:


    , (CASE WHEN Object_0.ObjName = '818 Artwork typeset duration' THEN TemplateRunObject_0.TroValue ELSE NULL END) AS 'Actual'
    , (CASE WHEN Object_0.ObjName = '818 Artwork Estimated typeset duration' THEN TemplateRunObject_0.TroValue ELSE NULL END) AS 'Estimated'

    SBS.PUB.Event Event_0
    LEFT JOIN SBS.PUB.TemplateRunObject TemplateRunObject_0 ON Event_0.TemplateRunID = TemplateRunObject_0.TemplateRunID
    JOIN SBS.PUB.Object Object_0 ON TemplateRunObject_0.ObjectId = Object_0.ObjectId

    Orginal Data layout

    Evenumber Ogjname TroValue
    123 818 Artwork typeset duration 15
    123 818 Artwork Estimated typeset duration 30

    Currently the results look like this:

    EveNumber Actual Estimated
    123 15 0
    123 0 30

    How i want them to appear

    EveNumber Actual Estimated
    123 15 30

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