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How to Change Appearance of Text in ChUI Editor Widget

Discussão em 'StackOverflow' iniciado por fdantas, Outubro 1, 2019.

  1. fdantas

    fdantas Administrator Moderador

    I'm using an editor widget to display a longchar value read from a text file. OpenEdge 11.5 ChUI on Linux.

    The logic is similar to the following:

    def var mytext as longchar
    init "Sample Text. Sample Text. Sample Text.".

    form mytext view-as editor large inner-chars 30 inner-lines 15
    scrollbar-horizontal scrollbar-vertical
    with frame frame1 no-labels no-box.

    view frame frame1.
    display mytext with frame frame1.
    mytext:read-only = yes.
    enable mytext with frame frame1.
    wait-for end-error of mytext.

    When the editor is displayed, the text in the editor widget is "highlighted" (i.e., shown in reverse video).

    Is there a way to display the text in the editor widget so that it is not "highlighted"?

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