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How implement Drop Down Lists in character interface?

Discussão em 'StackOverflow' iniciado por fdantas, Março 25, 2015.

  1. fdantas

    fdantas Administrator Moderador

    I have two tables first its candidates and second this is employee. Before when i add new employee i have to look up in candidates table and after that take candidateID and add new employee with this key. I dont know how to look up in this candidate tabel. For now i have this but this is bad solution.

    set cfname label "First #"
    clname label "Last #" with overlay title "Candidate Name" 1 columns row 5 column 28.
    find last candidates where firstname = cfname and lastname = clname no-lock no-error .

    I want scrolling them and when i press "Enter" i take this key and add in employee table.

    create employee no-error.
    employee.candidateid = id
    employee.employeeid = next-value(employee)
    hiredate = today.

    I dont know how to achive this.

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