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Create new row with datagridview and probindingsource

Discussão em 'StackOverflow' iniciado por fdantas, Novembro 26, 2020.

  1. fdantas

    fdantas Administrator Moderador

    I want to use a datagridview to create a new entry in a database table. Becouse of triggers it is not possible to use autoUpdate of my probindingsource (and it is intended only for rapid prototyping). I dont know what i have to do in what order. My probindingsource is bound to a query.

    CREATE QUERY hQuery.
    cQuery = "FOR EACH bfJob NO-LOCK WHERE bfJob.user_id = " + STRING(ct:getUserID()) + " BY dStep".
    THIS-OBJECT:pbsJob:HANDLE = hQuery.

    I think i need CreateRow and RowLeave events to handle this transaction. I hope someone can give me an easy example to solve my problem.

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