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Conditional update with jsonb_set()

Discussão em 'Outras Linguagens' iniciado por Stack, Janeiro 21, 2021.

  1. Stack

    Stack Membro Participativo

    I have a table in a Postgres 11.3 database with a jsonb column.

    Trying to update all objects inside a nested array name "iProps".

    If the path {iProps -> value -> rules -> ao -> sc} is an object, then the path should be updated from an object to a string with the value {iProps -> value -> rules -> ao -> sc -> name}

    If the path {iProps -> value -> rules -> ao -> sc} is not present, then the object should be left unchanged.

    Test setup with query: Fiddle link

    Desired result:

    "iProps": [
    "value": {
    "rules": [
    "ao": {
    "set": "get"
    "name": "PRule"
    "ao": {
    "sc": "name1"

    "ao": {
    "sc": "name2"

    "ao": {
    "sc": "name3"

    I have modified the query and linked in the fiddle. Can someone take a look to see if it's right?

    Continue reading...

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