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Two different FOR EACH (BREAK BY with JOIN) loops are giving unexpectedly different results?

Discussão em 'StackOverflow' iniciado por fdantas, Setembro 27, 2016.

  1. fdantas

    fdantas Administrator Moderador

    I am attempting to match the sort order of a piece of code. The fields and comparisons in the following two FOR EACH statements are the same except for Item.PID requests a specific value in one query, and Item.Bill is asking for a specific value in the other. The two queries, however, return records in a different order.

    The primary index for the Item table is Comp, PID, ItemID, IndNum.

    FOR EACH Item
    WHERE Item.Comp = 1
    AND Item.Bill > 0
    AND Item.PID = 123
    AND Item.Store <> ?
    AND Item.SecNum > 0
    AND Item.TerNum <> ?
    AND Item.Desc <> ?
    AND Item.Date <> ?
    AND Item.Code <> ""
    AND Item.Type = "P"
    AND Item.BillDate = 09/14/2016
    AND Item.Method = "P"
    WHERE Patient.Comp = Item.Comp
    AND Patient.ID = Item.PID
    BREAK BY Item.Comp
    BY Item.Bill
    BY Patient.LName
    BY Patient.FName
    BY Item.PID
    BY Item.Store
    BY Item.SecNum
    BY Item.TerNum
    BY Item.Desc
    BY Item.Date
    BY Item.Code:
    DISPLAY Amt.

    FOR EACH Item
    WHERE Item.Comp = 1
    AND Item.Bill = 456
    AND Item.PID > 0
    AND Item.Store <> ?
    AND Item.SecNum > 0
    AND Item.TerNum <> ?
    AND Item.Desc <> ?
    AND Item.Date <> ?
    AND Item.Code <> ""
    AND Item.Type = "P"
    AND Item.BillDate = 09/14/2016
    AND Item.Method = "P"
    WHERE Patient.Comp = Item.Comp
    AND Patient.ID = Item.PID
    BREAK BY Item.Comp
    BY Item.Bill
    BY Patient.LName
    BY Patient.FName
    BY Item.PID
    BY Item.Store
    BY Item.SecNum
    BY Item.TerNum
    BY Item.Desc
    BY Item.Date
    BY Item.Code:
    DISPLAY Amt.

    The first query returns four records where the value in the Amt field is in the order:

    827, 1124, 300, 102.

    The second returns four records where the value in the Amt field is in the order:

    827, 1124, 102, 300.

    Removing Patient.LName from the second query's Break By matches the sort of the first query, but obviously will not properly sort my results (for multiple patients). I just thought this may be where the problem is.

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